Friday, 17 May 2013


Opanuku Walkway, Henderson
Project Twin Streams是一野心勃勃的大規模的環境整治工程 改善在Waitakere水流質量 恢復56公里原生樹木和灌木的溪流植被
項目還包括11公里長的步行和自行車道 以及具有很強的藝術成分藝術品 如步道嵌有精美瓷磚圖案 不銹鋼標誌 風速計 橋樑上的面板圖案 甚至連座椅椅背都有設計精美的花鳥圖案 真是一趟藝術餉宴啊!
也造訪Henderson多處文化遺產 有最早的motor camp  藏酒地窖 農莊改成的藝術中心 早期的伐木工廠以及水車 Henderson最早的旅館飯店 也到達大型室內體育館和運動場

We walked about all the Opanuku Walkway and bush walk. Also extended our walking up to Henderson Valley Park or nearly (south) and The Stadium (north).

12 persons turned up today's walking. Thanks Felix for the guidence as the walk looks like a maze.

Project Twin Streams - A project be carried out to improve streams throught Waitakere City. A restoraton work  be conducted over the leanths of Oratia and Opanuku Streams.

The project includes the construction of 11 km network of walk/cycleways.

stainless steel and kauri waharoa (a town of maori community)

The project has a strong art component. Artworks include:
  • Project Twin Streams stainless steel logos
  • ceramic tiles
  • waharoa/cultural marker
  • anemometers (kinetic wind measuring sculptures)
  • bridge text panels
  • community seating

a kinetic sculpture serves to measure wind and animate the space around it

beautiful and distinctive ceramic tiles embeding in the walkway

Ceramic tiles depicting native flora and fauna

Ceramic tiles representing Panuku Marae (a plant)

a resting place with beautiful artwork

bridge text panels

The graphic elements of the seat-backs reflect the different waves of immigration to the area in the form of  taro leaves, apples and grapes

passing vineyard

beautiful scenes viewing from the bridge
passing farm land

some bush walk

New Zealand first motor camp opened in Dec 1924

Manuka Shade - The cabin built in 1908 is a good example of a simple colonial cottage. Originally in Henderson Valley road and was moved here 1964

International Walkway of Trees
During October 2000 many of the trees in this walkway were gifted and planted for future generations by representatives of the ethnic communities living in Waitakere City. Including Africa/India, Pacific, Europe America, Mediteranean, Middle East, and China/Japan/Taiwan (red marking).

a 20-room homestead built in 1923 historic winery buildings (Corban Winery)
The homestead is now Corban Estate Arts Centre
Ceramic tiles at the entrance

artworks nearby

The wine cellar, built in 1907 (from Corban Winery), the oldest industrial building in Henderson

Mill Cottage - The original part of the cottage built about 1848 as the mill cook house

a copy of the original water wheel which was used to power Thomas Henderson's sawmill.

A wooden holding dam was set up here in the late 1840s to contain the kauri logs brought down from further upstresm. The foundations of the dam are still visible in the stream bed.

history of Henderson's mill

the model of wooden dam (mill dam)

the model of Henderson's mill

the old Falls Restaurant & Hotel, built in 1873, in Henderson

Douglas Track and Field at The Trusts Stadium. The sponsor, Douglas Pharamceuticals, is an iconic West  Auckland based, international pharamceuitcals company.

Trusts Stadium -  an indoor arena located in Waitakere City. A multi-purpose stadium that primarily holds sports events and music concerts. The arena accommodates upto 7,000 people for a range of events.

Poetic Sonatina/詩意奏鳴曲 - Richard Clayderman