Saturday, 28 December 2013


Matuku Reserve

The 80 hectares Te Henga wetland (Bethells Swamp) is the largest relatively unmodified freshwater wetland in the Auckland region. Around 20 hectares of this wetland lies within the Matuku Reserve.
Matuku Reserve 除了濕地 濃密森林 還是重要的鳥保護區 應該會看到不少鳥跡 我們來的真是時機不對 季節不對 時辰也不對 偶爾聽到一些鳥鳴聲 根本看不到一點鳥蹤影 放入有鳥叫

聲的音樂 以補不足

the entrance of Matuku Reserve

a platform near the top of the reserve offers expansive views over the forest, wetland and out to coastal headlands

starting walking the Punawaru track, an elegant track

shortly turning into Kokopu Track to go through the valley
dense and lush forest
a grove of nikau

a ladder to negotiate to a tree platform high

track scenes
elegant river scenes

interesting tree
going up the Taranga Track

tall overhangeing cliffs

in this gorge a slender waterfall tumbles over the tall overhangeing cliff
It's said the area under the waterfall is one of the most magical places in Auckland

narrow cliff ridges traverse with a single rope
looking down the valley

bird watch

謝華達邦 Chamras Saewataporn - Butterflies Flowers