Monday, 25 August 2014


Wenderholm Regional Park
Wenderholm was the first Auckland Regional park and remains one of the most beautiful. Wenderholm 夾於Puhoi River 河口和waiwara River河口之間 有濃密森林 絕佳視野 優美海灘 和 歷史遺地 步道坡度起伏適中 老少咸宜

Except walking along the coat (purple marking),  also walking all the tracks specified in the map

24 members turned up today's walking

walking along the coast

hopping on the rocks

rock formations

impressive shore scenes

falling rocks

getting back from the beach

lovely well maintained tracks

stunning views from the lookout at the Maungatauhoro Te Hikoi Track and Couldrey House Track

Mahurangi East Peninusla, Saddle Island, and Motuora Island

forested headlands

Couldrey House just below - the original homestead, is a very picturesque wooden villa and is run as a museum

impressive scene - an array of London Plane (tree name)

group photo

Wilson Phillips - Hold On

Monday, 11 August 2014


Duder Regional Park
Duder Regional Park is a 148-hectare coastal farm park situated on the Whakakaiwhara Peninsula features stunning panoramic views, rolling farmland, high coastal ridges and remote headlands. Apart of the coastal views the highlight are sheep

walking along the coast, walking up to the end of Peninsula, then returning thru Farm Loop

此次登山是Tramping Group行程 有眾多大學堂教友一齊參加 人數達百人 感謝Felix統籌這麼大型的活動

heading towards beach to start the walk along the coast

beautiful farm scenes

finding the way to access the coast

Eric did the exploring to find out way

Some keen members walking down the beach
Others walking the Farm Loop to the end of Peninsula

walking along the coast

coral tree in bloom

climbing up the end of Peninsula

spectacular 360 degree views 

climbing up

Whakakaiwhara point, end of Peninsula, offers a lovely picnic spot with great views 

other group coming along the ridge to the Whakakaiwhara point

looking towards to the Whakakaiwhara point

elegant rolling pasture

elegant scenes

big coral tree



四隻可愛小羊 尤其最右邊的一隻搔癢超可愛

walking down to connect the Farm Loop

passing over the Trig then returning to the car park

Westlife - You Raise Me Up