Saturday, 10 October 2015

t218 Goldie Bush

Goldie Bush Walkway, Mokoroa Falls Track and Mokoroa Stream Track

It's an elegant track, except the Mokoroa Stream Track involving lots of tream crossings on rocks that are very slippery but the stream scenes are impressive...

From Constable Rd, walk the Goldie Bush Walkway to the Mokoroa Falls Track and return via Mokoroa Stream Track

track is well maintained and with several long steps

crossing over swing bridge and continue Goldie Bush Walkway

elegant track

interesting kauri tree

viewing from lookout platform
Mokoroa Falls consists of two waterfalls - Houheria Stream Falls (the right one) and Mokoroa Falls itself (the main one). The waterfalls look really impressive in a rainy season

walking down to the falls base

impressed falls scenes

elegant Houheria Stream Falls 

walking along Mokoroa Stream Track
Mokoroa Stream Track is an "Experienced Trampers Only" route at the high end of difficulty

stream scenes

The route involves 16 times of stream crossings
some are on rocks that are very slippery

some even the water deep near the knee

There are several passages that involve climbing slanting rock faces for a few metres and maneuvering along them on rock edge

some guys jump from a high altitude

lots of rapids

lots of impressed cascades

walking on the Mokoroa Stream Track is a little bit challenge but enjoyable!!

last stream crossing

elegant and impressed scenes!!